I've discovered something about myself in the last few weeks: I love to get stuff for free. I don't mean the dime (the coin, not the bag) you find on the ground or the garage sale where you get 5 shirts for a dollar. I mean do-nothing, cost-nothing, hey thanks, scott-FREE. Among the latest things I have gotten for free in the last couple of months are, in no certain order, an X-Box 360 Elite (with a game and a 1 year subscription to X-Box Live), iPod Nano, iPhone, Outrage (book about gay marriage), and 'The Goonies' DVD. I also got, for free again, a lifetime supply of watermelons, but that's for another post altogether.
How did I do it? Two things: a pyramid scam on the internet (it's free, so it's debatable if it's a scam) and calling in on the radio to win contests.
Somehow every time the conversation comes up about this website that gives away free stuff, I start sounding like a 3 a.m. infomercial. Statements like "That's it, there's no catch"; "It's just that easy"; and "It's totally free" are common utterances. But really, it is.
Katherine's wasn't a big fan of the X-Box 360, especially since picking it up made us late for the theatre, but once she figured out that I wouldn't be sitting in front of it like a zombie for 4 hours a day it wasn't so bad. Still, I think my best strategy is to get her to enjoy playing it. On a more serious note, Halo 3 is coming out next month and I can't wait.
I'm jumping around, keep up. I don't know if you people read it, but Jim Beaty's blog is one of the the funniest things on the internet. I check it every day, and I really am disappointed when I don't find new posts. There goes my advertising streak coming out again.
Hmmmm, what else. Oh yeah, I cracked the screen on my cell phone. I was crawling under the house with it in my pocket (you never know when you'll need your phone) and it cracked when I rolled my hip over it. No fat jokes, please. Luckily, I had insurance and they replaced my phone for $50 (that's not free) with one that I hate. Then Samsung customer service gave me the run-around trying to sell me some cable to hook my old phone to my computer so I can get the phone numbers from it. Nevermind that they 'forgot' to put the option on their phones to copy your address book from the phone to the SIM card (it works fine the other way around). I bought it, and now I'm hassling them for a refund because I found a way to get my phone numbers to my computer without the cable. Maybe they'll just let me have it for free.