Sunday, September 9, 2007

At last....

Some of you may have noticed that it has been quite a while since I contributed any nuggets of wit or wisdom to our blog. But as you may remember, I have been reading the Harry Potter series; and I admit that this venture did take over my life for a brief while. However, I am happy (and sad) to say that I have finished the last of the seven books and will now be able to blog more frequently.

I will not go into any details of the last Harry Potter book, as Sam has made it clear this is a subject I am NOT at liberty to discuss. I will, though, recommend the series highly to anyone looking for a good read and express my thanks to John Mark for getting me started.

Onto new news.... I (we) got an iPod!! This is a big deal for me, as I usually try to avoid new technology except on a 'need to have' basis. But I really like it!! It makes washing the dishes, folding clothes, ironing, etc. much more enjoyable. And it's certainly much easier to persuade myself to walk around the block for a little exercise when I know my friend Eminem will come with me. Which leads me to my next little tidbit....

As I've been out in the neighborhood more lately, I've had the opportunity to meet some more of our neighbors. In the middle of my walk the other day, a lady waved me down and I stopped to chat. We had quite a lengthy conversation in which she imparted to me her "wisdom." Not only did she drone on until it was much to dark for me to finish my walk, but she also attempted give me financial, spiritual, and political advice.

Lessons from my neighbor:

1. All you need is a roof over your head, food to eat, someone who loves you, and whatever spiritual entity you prefer. (Sound enough advice, I guess.)

2. Why buy a house when you can rent? This way, you don't have to do any home maintenance yourself. (The economist in me was begging to mention the multitude of holes in this belief, including the little problem of EQUITY; but, as I said, it was getting dark.)

3. Spend all your money while you can because, when you're old (and I quote) 'If you have it, they take it away; if you don't have it, they take care of you.'

And on that note, I dismissed myself from her lecture, bewildered and wanting to return home to my Republican (with a capital 'R') husband. We concluded that her little corner of the neighborhood must not be in the same country the Hardin's share with Dave Ramsey.


HilaryElise said...

Disturbing on so many levels, but glad to see neighborly love is going around...hope everything is going well!!

Unknown said...

i love this. we, too, strictly follow the teachings of Dave Ramsey. you are fun. I don't really know you that well, but I can tell we would be friends.
tell sam-i-am "hi" for me and tell his that sophie is going to be big bird for halloween. he will like that.

glad you made it home from your walk safely.

Anonymous said...

After reading your latest blog and Sam's, I would say you guys do not lack in the technology department. I think I would like an i-pod especially for walking. However, I have to get motivated to walk first.
I have just read Mary, Queen of Scots and the Isles. I am an avid reader but never thought I would like Harry Potter. Who knows, maybe I will give it a try one of these days.

Obuff said...

Laughing out loud...I can just see you, Katherine.