Thursday, July 26, 2007

This is a test.... this is only a test....

Is blogging for me? I'm really not sure. But Sam seems to think it is.... and if there's anything I've learned in almost seven months of marriage, it's that doing something someone else's way isn't necessarily bad. (Sam's learned that too, of course.)

My life doesn't really seem that exciting to me, but maybe some of you will get a kick out of it.... or at least learn what 'third party logistics' is. That's what I do. I help people move things, but mostly I talk to truckers all day. And don't knock it; things stay exciting.

ME: "Sir, what company do you drive for?"
DRIVER: "I om de drivah."
ME: "Yes, sir. What is your company's name?"
DRIVER: "De drivah!! Go California!"
ME: "Anyone want Foreign Trucking, line three?"

That's right, my language skills come in pretty handy sometimes. I've learned a whole new Spanish trucking vocabulary. But the biggest news at C.H. Robinson's Roanoke Branch is our new office. Last Friday, we moved from Salem into downtown Roanoke! It's really awesome. I get to park in a parking garage, eat lunch at cool places, and walk through the farmer's market everyday. (I hope I'm not the only one who thinks parking garages are cool.) I'll be sure to blog more about it when I've discovered more. Right now, I know there's a library, a coffee shop, a YMCA, a lot of little cute boutiques, and numerous restaurants (including a marginal-looking Thai place) within a seven minute's walk of my office.

Oh, and the theater! The Mill Mountain Theater is right across the street, and Sam and I have tickets to several upcoming productions! And I didn't even have to twist his arm.... true, one features the music of Hank Williams; but I know we'll both enjoy them all.

And my brother has convinced me to begin the Harry Potter series.... My friends know I have a tendency to pick up a book and never finish, but I'm determined to finish all these books. Quite a feat for me, I know. So if any of you bloggers/readers out there know how this much-hyped seventh book ends, please don't tell me. Really, even if I ask.

Now it's bedtime, and I still don't feel like I've written anything of interest to anyone. But Sam assures me that people don't read blogs for excitement. (That's why they ready Harry Potter, right?)


Anonymous said...

yay, katherine's blogging! miss ya'll :)

Unknown said...

Welcome, Katherine! You are a fun blogger already.
When I first moved to hattiesburg I worked downtown and had my own parking spot in a parking garage. I LOVED IT. I felt cool.
I don't get to anymore, though.

i love HP.
happy reading!

Anonymous said...

Have just read all of the blogs you and Sam have posted and enjoyed them.


Tracy~ said...

Welcome Katherine! I found y'all through Heather. You'll love the HP books. My favs were books 4,5 & 6!